Past Events


KOPEC: Demographic Change and International Labor Mobility in the Asia Pacific Region

From March 23, 2008 until March 25, 2008
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2427


Demographic Change and International Labor Mobility
in the Asia Pacific Region
Implications for Business and Cooperation

24 - 26 March 2008



Arrival and Registration

 1800 -2030  

Welcoming Dinner Reception

  • Hosted by KOPEC Chair

Tuesday, March 25 

Opening Session
Dr. Soogil Young, KOPEC Chair

0830 - 0850

Opening Remarks

  • Dr. Soogil Young, KOPEC Chair

Congratulatory Remarks

  • Dr. Charles Morrison, PECC International Chair
  • Ms. Doris Magsaysay-Ho, ABAC Philippines

0850 - 0915

Keynote Address I : Demographic Change and Its Implications for Business and Labor Mobility in Asia Pacific

0915 - 0940

Keynote Address II : Governance Challenges on Labor Migration in the Asia Pacific Region

0940 - 1000


1000 - 1020

Photo Session and Coffee Break


1020 -1150

Case Studies

1150 -1250

Regional Overview

  • Dr. Young-Ki Choi, President, Korea Labor Institute


1300 -1400


  • Hosted by Mr. Younghoon David Kim, CEO of Daesung Group and Member of ABAC Korea (Topaz Room)

Guest Speech

  •  Mr. Jae-gap Lee, Director General, Ministry of Labor, Korea

1410 - 1530

Case Studies

15:40 -16:40

Regional Overview:

  • Dr. Chia Siow Yue, Senior Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs


1640  - 1700   

Coffee/Tea Break

1700 - 1730

Case Studies

1730 - 1800  


1830 - 2130

Welcoming Dinner:

  • Hosted by the Federation of Korean Industries (Topaz Room) 

Guest Speech:

  • Tae-yul Cho, Deputy Minister For Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Wednesday, March 26

0900 -1030 

Case Studies

  • Colombia: Mrs. Jaifa Mezher El Kareh, Director, and Nestor Orduz Cádenas, Advisor, Colombia Nos Une Program, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (rev 22-03-08)

1030 -1050

Coffee/Tea Break

1050 -1140 

Regional Overview:

  • Dr. Sherry Stephenson, Advisor, Economic Policy Issues and Chief, Institutional Relations, Organization of American States (OAS), Washington D.C.



1140 -1230

Implications for Business and Cooperation in the Region

Views of a Global Firm

1240 -1350 


  • Hosted by Dr. Young-Ki Choi, KLI President

Guest Speech

  • Dr. Kil-Sang Yoo, President, Korea International Migration Association (KIMA)

1400 -1440

The Views of the International Labor Organization

The Views of the International Organization for Migration
1440 -1520  Discussion

1520 -1540 

Coffee/Tea Break

1540 -1640 

Concluding Discussions

  • Wrap-up Comments by the Synthesis Authors
  • Discussion

1640 - 1700 

Closing Remarks 

  • PECC International Chair
  • KOPEC Chair

1830 - 2000

 Farewell Dinner by KOPEC Chair



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