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PECC & The Jakarta Post Conference: Global Challenges and Regional Solutions: Engaging Stakeholders

On April 25, 2016
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Global Challenges and Regional Solutions: Engaging Stakeholders

25 April 2016

Jakarta, Indonesia


Monday, 25 April 2016

 09. 15 – 09.30

Welcoming Remarks

  • Mr Jusuf Wanandi
    The Jakarta Post

  • Ambassador Le Luong Minh
    Secretary General
    ASEAN Secretariat

  • Ambassador Donald Campbell
    Pacific Economic Cooperation Council


  • Mr Endy Bayuni
    Chief Editor
    The Jakarta Post

Keynote Address:

  • Mr. Hassan Wirayuda
    Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Indonesia

10.00 – 11.00

Session 1: Where is the ASEAN Economic Community heading?
Now that the community is a reality, and it is here to stay with us, what have been achieved and what can ASEAN countries do to improve intra-ASEAN trade, movement of workforce, people and build stronger ASEAN community.

Moderator / Introducer:  

  • Mr Meidyatama Suryodiningrat
    President Director
    Antara News Agency, Indonesia

Keynote Address:

  • Dr Mari Pangestu
    Former Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy and
    Former Minister of Trade

Panel Discussion:

Open Discussion


11.00 – 11.15

Coffee break

11.15 – 12.15

Session 2: What next after Community?
Aside from the economic area, the pillars of ASEAN Community also encompass the political-security as well as the socio-cultural areas. After the start of the ASEAN Economic Community at the end of 2015, what next comes to the ASEAN? Will ASEAN member states willing to cede some of their sovereignty? What other factors will slow or even block the creation of ASEAN Community?


  • Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohamed Jawhar Hassan
    The New Straits Times Press, Malaysia

Keynote Address:

  • Ambassador Ong Keng Yong
    Executive Deputy Chairman
    Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Singapore

Panel Discussion:

  • Mr Deddy Saleh
    Sinar Mas group

  • Mr. Kavi Chongkittavorn
    Award-winning journalist & Columnist
    The Nation, Thailand

  • Ms. Maria A. Ressa
    Chief Executive Officer, Philippines

Open Discussion


12.30 - 14.00

Lunch Session

  • Mr Riyadi Suparno
    Chief Executive Officer
    The Jakarta Post

Distinguished Lunch Speaker:

  • Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan
    SR Nathan Fellow
    Institute of Policy Studies


14.00 – 15.30

Session 3: Economic and Financial Challenges and Opportunities
The global economy is slowing down, the US continues its slow recovery from the Global Financial Crisis but clouds are gathering with billions of dollars being wiped off global equity markets in the last few months. There remains much uncertainty about the future of the Chinese economy. Are the doomsayers overly pessimistic or is a second Global Crisis on the horizon? In its Global Financial Stability Report the IMF warned that risks were shifting to emerging markets due to legacy issues from the crisis in advanced economies, and weak systemic market liquidity.


  • Dr Charles E. Morrison
    East West Center

Keynote Address:

Panel Discussion

  • Dr Masahiro Kawai
    Graduate School of Public Policy
    University of Tokyo

  • Dr Lee Jae Young
    Lead Economist and Group Head
    ASEAN+3 Macro-economic Research Office (AMRO)

  • Mr David Carbon
    Chief Economist
    DBS Bank


15.30 – 15.45   

Coffee Break

15.45 – 17.00

Session 4: Implications of the Paris Climate Change Deal for the Region
Global leaders agreed to an unprecedented deal to combat climate change during their meeting in Paris. What does this mean for the business of the region? Can emerging economies of Asia leapfrog to low-carbon growth models? What opportunities exist for investment and what’s stopping greater investment in renewables?


  • Dr Chien-Fu Lin
    Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER)

Keynote Address:

Panel Discussion

  • Prof Ross Garnaut
    Professorial Research Fellow in Economics

    University of Melbourne

  • Mr Tony Wenas
    President Director

    PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (APRIL Group)
    ( pdf download (1.02 MB) )

Open discussion

17.00 – 18.00

Session 5: Infrastructure and Technology: Engines of Growth
Much of the Asia-Pacific’s growth over the past three decades has been driven by exports, with trade growth anemic what other growth engines can take its place? Initiatives are under way that could promote the more efficient cycling of funds into core growth boosting activities in infrastructure such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank while developments in technology offer new ways to develop innovative financing mechanisms through ‘fintech.’ What opportunities does the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and One Belt One Road initiative present for the region? What role can technology play in unleashing the potential that exists in the world’s most populace region?


  • Mr Agung Wiryawan
    PWC Advisory


  • Mr Irhoan Tanudiredja
    Senior Partner
    PwC Indonesia

Keynote Speaker:

  • Mr. Mahendra Siregar
    Partner, Palapa Ventures
    Former Chairman of Investment Coordinating Board
    Former Deputy Minister of Finance and
    Former Deputy Minister of Trade

Panel Discussion

  • Mr Alex Rusli
    Chief Executive Officer
    PT Indosat Ooreedo, tbk

  • Mr Li Shan
    Chairman & CEO
    Silk Road Finance Corporation Ltd
    ( pdf download (624 KB) )

Open Discussion


18.00 – 19.00   

Concluding Session: Opportunities and Challenges for Regionalism: The ASEAN Economic Community; the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership


  • Mr Azmar Djaffar
    RHT Law

Keynote Speaker

  • Mr Thomas Lembong
    Minister of Trade
    Republic of Indonesia

Panel Discussion:

  • Dr Charles Morrison
    East West Center

  • Dr Cielito F. Habito
    Chief of Party
    Trade-Related Assistance for Development (TRADE) Project

Open Discussion

19.00 – 19.15

Concluding Remarks

  • Ambassador Tang Guoqiang
    Pacific Economic Cooperation Council

  • Mr Endy Bayuni
    Chief Editor
    The Jakarta Post

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