Past Events


PECC International Project 2015-2016: Managing the Blue economy - Seminar 3: Coping with uncertainties in ports and shipping

From December 05, 2016 until December 07, 2016
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2518

 Managing the blue economy: Future of ports and shipping the Asia-Pacific


Seminar 3: Coping with uncertainties in ports and shipping


A PECC international project 2015-2016

Auckland, New Zealand | December 5-7, 2016


Monday, 5th December 2016

08.30 - 09.00


09.00 - 09.10

Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Denis McNamara
    Chair, NZPECC

09.10 - 09.35

Keynote Address ( pdf download (80 KB) )

  • Florence Jeanblanc-Risler
    Ambassador of France to NZ


Session 1: Ports and the Growth Agenda: Efficient Supply Chain Management

Ports are an integral component of supply chain management. Optimizing door-to-door connectivity is crucial to boosting economic competitivenes and growth. Slower trade, reduced dependency on trade for economic growth, mergers and alliances, growing emphasis on global value chain participation - how are these and other trends impacting the maritime trade industry?

Session Chair:

  • Alaisdair Macleod
    Chairman, Port of Napier, New Zealand

09.45 - 10.10

Global value chains and their impact on shipping patterns in the Asia-Pacific ( pdf download (2.26 MB) )

  • Rob Scollay
    University of Auckland/ NZPECC

10.10 - 10.35

Alliances and mergers in the container shipping sector - potential impact on ports and terminal operators ( pdf download (2.13 MB) )

  • David Wignall
    Managing Director, David Wignall Associates

10.35 - 10.55

Coffee Break

10.55 - 11.20

Hub-and-spoke strategies on maritime routes, integrated sea and land transport systems, hinterland transport connectivity ( pdf download (1.68 MB) )

  • Mark Barrett
    Senior Policy Adviser, Maritime and Freight, Ministry of Transport, New Zealand

11.20 - 11.45

The global shipping industry: An operator's perspective ( pdf download (908 KB) )

  • Hennie van Schoor
    Trade and Marketing Director for Oceania, Maersk Line

11.45 - 12.00

Open Discussion

12.00 - 12.45



Session 2: Integrated Port Services
Port operation and management is a core part of a competitive, international services industry. How are services integrated at ports and across economies?

Session Chair:

  • Graham Scott
    Productivity Commission New Zealand

13.00 - 13.25

Integrated port operation and service providers ( pdf download (1.78 MB) )

  • Tony Gibson
    CEO, Ports of Auckland, NZ

13.25 - 13.50

International cooperation for customs clearance and safety control at ports ( pdf download (994 KB) )

  • Carolyn Tremain
    CEO, NZ Customs Service

13.50 - 14.15

Improving customs facilities for freight and passengers ( pdf download (13.15 MB) )

  • Bruno Hamon
    Deputy Director of Customs, French Polynesia

14.15 - 14.40

Energy and time-efficient shipping solutions ( pdf download (2.14 MB) )

  • Bruce Hunter
    Manager, Hamburg Süd, New Zealand

14.40 - 15.05

 Open Discussions

15.10 - 15.25

Coffee Break


Session 3: Free Trade Agreements and Maritime Trade Outlook
Emerging trends in intra-regional trade flows, shifts in volume and directions, what are the implications for regional ports of new trade agreements?

Session Chair:

  • Charles E. Morrison
    President, East-West Center, USA


A Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), the possible implications for maritime trade ( pdf download (837 KB) )

  • John Ballingall
    Deputy Director, NZ Institute of Economic Research (NZIER)

15.50 - 16.15

One Belt One Road (OBOR) and its implications on transpacific trade

  • Paul Lee
    Professor, School of Business IT and logistics, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia

16.15 - 16.40

Case Study: Zespri International Ltd - Shipping and port strategy ( pdf download (2.94 MB) )

  • Michael Knowles
    Shipping Manager, Zespri International; Chair, NZ Shippers Council

16.40 - 17.00

Open Discussion

17.15 - 19.00

Welcome Reception



Tuesday, 6th December 2016

09.00 - 09.20

Keynote Address: UNCLOS: A Constitution for the Oceans

Keynote Speaker:

  • Kenneth Keith
    Former member of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)


  • Denis McNamara
    Chair, NZPECC


Session 4: Cruise and Tourism Industry

In contrast to current overcapacity in shipping industry with reduced demand in container shipping and maritime trade, tourist numbers on cruise ships has sharply increased. What challenges and opportunities exist in the cruise tourism sector?

Session Chair:

  • Nicolas Lewis
    Associate Professor, School of Environment, University of Auckland

09.20 - 09.45

Cruise and tourism industry outlook ( pdf download (2.69 MB) )

  • Ann Sherry AO
    Executive Chair, Carnival Australia

09.45 - 10.10

Traveller satisfaction, economic contribution and lines' performance in cruise industry ( pdf download (1.57 MB) )

  • Young-tae Chang
    Professor, Inha University, Korea

10.10 - 10.35

Cruise and tourism industry outlook for China ( pdf download (1.38 MB) )

  • Dong Yang
    Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

10.35 - 11.00

Coffee Break


Session 5: Safety and Security at Ports

Ensuring environmental safety and mitigating health hazards or accidents at ports as well as contributing to international cooperation for improved security onshore and offshore

Session Chair:

11.00 - 11.25

Port safety and security, international cooperation, management of risks at sea ( pdf download (1.63 MB) )

  • Pascal Cheylan
    General Secretariat of the Sea, France

11.25 - 11.50

Port of Nouméa: adjusting to the new challenges of the Pacific Region ( pdf download (3.67 MB) )

  • Jean Le Den
    Harbormaster, Port of Nouméa, New Caledonia

11.50 - 12.15

Port resilience and recovery, insurance and risk management: NZ case study - Rena incident ( pdf download (347 KB) )

  • Stephanie Winson
    General Manager, Legal & Policy, Maritime NZ

12.15 - 12.40

Reducing the ecological footprint of vessels during their life at sea and their discard at ports ( pdf download (2.26 MB) )

  • Nicolas Renard
    Special Adviser to CEO, Veolia, France

12.40 - 13.30


14.00 - 17.00

Site visit to ports of Auckland


Closing Dinner



Wednesday, 7th December 2016


Session 6: Small Island States Symposium

The final session will focus on the particular maritime challenges that ports in small South Pacific Island states are facing. It will cover topics such as: constraints of scale and isolation, the cascading effects of larger container vessels and cruise ships, how to better link small ports with major shipping lines and ports in neighbouring economies; the role of 'hubs,' infrastructure challenges, and the impact of economic and environmental factors.


  • Charles Finny
    Chair, NZ Ports CEOs Group

09.00 - 09.10

Welcome Remarks

09.10 - 09.35

Matson, Serving the Pacific ( pdf download (2.31 MB) )

  • Vic Angoco
    Senior Vice-President, Pacific, Matson Inc.

09.35 - 10.00

Case Study from Apia ( pdf download (2.48 MB) )

  • Asofa Fereti
    CEO, Samoa Ports Authority

10.00 - 10.25

Case Study from Suva ( pdf download (11.70 MB) )

  • Vajira Piyasena
    CEO, Fiji Ports Corporation Ltd.

10.25 - 10.50

Coffee Break

10.50 - 11.15

An assessment of the competitiveness of Papeete Port vis-á-vis other ports of the Pacific ( pdf download (667 KB) )

  • Georges Puchon
    Director, Port of Papeete, French Polynesia

11.15 - 11.45

Panel Discussion: "The Future of hubs and feeder services"


  • Giles Jephcott
    General Manager, Pacific Direct Line NZ


11.45 - 12.30

Open Discussion and Conclusion - The Policy Dimensions


  • Jean Luc Le Bideau
    Vice-Chair, FPTPEC

  • Brian Lynch
    Vice-Chair, NZPECC


  • Teresa Lloyd
    Executive Director, Australian Shipowners Association

  • Annabel Young
    Executive Director, NZ Shipping Federation


Close of Seminar / Light Lunch

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Pacific Currents

Global value chains: From fruitful discussions to meaningful actions
Juan Navarro, Associate Faculty, Royal Roads University

Climate change in SOTR
Christopher Findlay, Tilak Doshi and Eduardo Pedrosa

Digital Technologies, Services and the Fourth Industrial Revolutions
Submitted by Jane Drake-Brockman, Christopher Findlay, Yose Rizal Damuri and Sherry Stephenson 

COVID-19 has Exposed Major Gaps in our Social Safety Nets: In a Post-COVID World Will these Gaps be Closed?
Hugh Stephens
Vice Chair, CANCPEC; Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Executive Fellow, School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary

 Multilateral Cooperation is a Safeguard against Pandemics
Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria
Executive Director, APEC Secretariat

International cooperation during COVID-19
Sungbae An
Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Macroeconomics and Finance, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

Drastic measures to stop spread of COVID-19 are necessary
Charles E. Morrison
Adjunct Fellow and Former President of the East-West Center; Former Co-Chair, PECC

ASEAN-China cooperation in time of COVID-19 pandemic
Jusuf Wanandi
Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, CSIS Foundation; Former Co-Chair of PECC