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PECC XXIV: 24th PECC General Meeting

On May 15, 2017
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 4861



24th PECC General Meeting


"Vision for an Asia-Pacific Partnership for the 21st Century"


15 May 2017 | Ha Noi, Vietnam


Monday, 15 May 2017

 0900 - 0910

Welcome Remarks

  • Donald Campbell
    Co-Chair, PECC

  • Vo Tri Thanh
    Chair, VNCPEC

 0910 - 0925

Keynote Address ( pdf download (149 KB) )

  • H.E. Pham Binh Minh
    Deputy Prime Minister
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam

 0925 - 0940

Family Photo

 0940 - 0950

Coffee Break

 0950 - 1130

Session 1: Key Developments and Prospects of the Asia-Pacific Region
What are the prospects for growth in the Asia-Pacific? What actions should regional institutions and processes take to address concerns about globalization? What path should Asia-Pacific take toward trade liberalization, growth and integration? The role of services and investment in promoting regional economic growth and integration?


  • Chul Chung
    Vice President, Korea Institute for International Economic Cooperation;
    Vice Chair, KOPEC

Keynote Speaker:

Panel Discussion:

Open Discussion

1130 - 1300

Session 2: New Drivers  for Growth and Economic Integration
What will drive economic growth over the next 5-10 years? How should economies prepare to take advantage of new growth engines? How can the region step up work on connectivity? How can the next phase of growth be made more inclusive, sustainable and innovative, especially to ensure that micro and small and medium enterprises can thrive?


  • Hugh Stephens
    Senior Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
    Vice-Chair, CANCPEC

Keynote Address ( pdf download (730 KB) )

  • Pamela Mar
    Director of Sustainability, Fung Academy
    Member, HKCPEC

Panel Discussion:

  • Key challenges for enhancing connectivity and competitiveness
    Tan Khee Giap
    Co-Director, Asian Competitiveness Institute
    Chair, SINCPEC

Open Discussion

1300 - 1400


1400 - 1530

Session 3: An Asia-Pacific Agenda for the Digital/ Internet Economy
How Asia-Pacific economies should respond to harness the potential of the new Technology Revolution and digital ecnomy? How is technology changing business models, the economy and society? What work can the policy community be doing to benefit from these changes? What  risks and opportunities does technological change present? What opportunities and challenges does the digital age pose for economic-financial-social inclusion and human resources development?


  • Nur Sulyna Abdullah
    Chair, APEC Ad Hoc Steering Group on the Internet Economy

Keynote Address:

Panel Discussion:

  • How can the digital economy promote inclusive growth?
    Peter Lovelock

    Director, TRPC Pte Ltd

Open Discussion

1530 - 1545

Coffee Break

1545 - 1715

Session 4: The Asia-Pacific Partnership: Ways Forward
What are the key challenges and opportunities for the future of the Asia-Pacific partnership? Are current processes sufficient for dealing with the reality of deeper trade and integration in the region? What are the comparative advantages of different processes and how do they relate to each other? What role should the region be playing in global leadership? What can be a driving vision for the Asia-Pacific post-2020?


  • Nguyen Nguyet Nga
    Senior Advisor
    APEC 2017 Committee

Keynote Address:

  • Charles Morrison
    Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center
    Member, USAPC

Panel Discussion:

  • Asia-Pacific partnership for sustainable and inclusive development for the 21st century
    Vo Tri Thanh

    Chair, VNCPEC

Open Discussion

1715 - 1730

Closing Session

Summary and Wrap Up

  • Vo Tri Thanh
    Chair, VNCPEC

Closing Remarks

  • Tang Guoqiang
    Co-Chair, PECC



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