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CNCPEC: International Symposium on APEC Post 2020 Vision and Asia Pacific Regional Integration

From September 18, 2018 until September 20, 2018
Categories: CNCPEC
Hits: 1134


International Symposium on

APEC Post 2020 Vision and Asia Pacific Regional Integration


18-20 September 2018
Sanya, China

China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC)
Hainan China Golden Eagle Peace Development Foundation (CGE)
APEC Study Center, Nankai University




 18 September 2018, Tuesday 


 Welcome Dinner

 19 September 2018, Wednesday


Opening Session

Welcome Remarks:

  • Dai Yuming, Vice Mayor, Sanya City

  • Su Ge, Co-Chair, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC); Chair, CNCPEC

  • Donald Campbell, Co-Chair, PECC; Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Senior Strategy Advisor, DLA piper LLP

  • Feng Chuanjian, Member of the 11th, 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference


  • Yu Qingtai, Executive Vice Chair, CNCPEC

Keynote Speaker:

  • Lu Mei, China APEC Senior Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC


Group Photo / Coffee Break


Session I: Asia Pacific New Trends and Multilateral Trade System
New and emerging trends in the global and Asia Pacific regional landscapes are rising, and have an impact on APEC’s role and function. These new trends may include anti-globalization sentiments, rising of millennial generation, future work and employment, inclusive growth, climate change, the UN sustainable development goals by 2030, trade and investment in the new area, etc. Meanwhile, bilateral and regional trade arrangements in Asia Pacific are complicated, and the multilateral trade system is in danger. Can APEC do something in post 2020 agenda to avoid the Spaghetti Bowl effect in the region, push WTO Doha Round and save the multilateral trade system?


  • Narongchai Akrasanee, Chair, TNCPEC


  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in the Past 50 Years

    Jusuf Wanandi, Former Co-Chair, PECC

  • APEC’s Role in Pushing WTO Process

    Dato’ Supperamaniam Manickam, Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Strategic andInternational Studies (ISIS) Malaysia

  • WTO is in Danger

    Andrew Elek, Visiting Research Fellow, Australian National University

  • Globalization and China’s reform and opening up

    Su Ge, Co-Chair, PECC; Chair, CNCPEC






Session II: APEC’s Role and Bogor Goal: Progress, Experience and Lessons
This session will take stock of APEC’s achievements, shortcomings and gaps in regional economic cooperation in the past 30 years. In 2016, the “Second-term Review of APEC’s Progress towards Bogor Goal” conducted by the APEC Policy Support Unit (PSU) acknowledged the substantial progress that APEC members had made, such as significantly lowered tariffs, a soaring number of signed FTAs/RTAs, greater access of many sectors to foreign investment and services trade, and improved indicators on trade and investment facilitation. However, the Review also highlighted key barriers facing member economies to attain the Bogor Goals in the context of slowed trade growth, increasing application of non-tariff measures (NTMs), and increasing costs of investments, etc. The assessment of progress and “unfinished business” will help define the scope of APEC post 2020 vision.


  • Tan Sri Rastam Isa, Chair, MANCPEC


  • Review of APEC Bogor Goal

    Denis Hew W.Y., Director, Policy Support Unit, APEC

  • Peter Petri, Professor, Brandeis University

  • APEC, a Window to Asia Pacific for Latin America

    Alicia Frohmann, Senior Consultant, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

  • Review of APEC South-East Asia Economy

    Vo Tri Thanh, Chair, VNCPEC




Coffee Break


Session III: APEC Post 2020 (I): New Role and New Goal
The session will discuss possible general framework of APEC post 2020 vision, described as “ambitious, strategic, and practical” in Terms of Reference of APEC Vision Group (AVG). SOM requires AVG to identify APEC’s vision, direction and main area of cooperation, including existing APEC areas of cooperation beyond 2020. Bogor Goal is drawing close, and what is APEC’s new role and new goal in days and decades to come?


  • Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, PECC


  • Firdaos Rosli, Director of Economics, Trade and Regional Integration of the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia

  • APEC Vision Group Mandate and Work Plan

    Bernard Li, Director(Program), APEC Policy Support Unit, APEC Secretariat

  • Jin-kyo Suh, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy(KIEP)

  • Where should APEC go? To Build Asia Pacific Community of Inclusiveness and Development

    Lu Jianren, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of International Strategy, CASS

  • A Multi-layer APEC Tower in Post 2020 Vision

    Yang Zerui, Acting Director, CNCPEC




Buffet Dinner

20 September 2018, Thursday


Session IV: APEC Post 2020 (II): New Priorities and New Areas of Cooperation
This session focuses on the possible new priorities of cooperative areas of APEC post 2020 vision. In the new circumstance, APEC needs to face the opportunities and challenges in these areas, such as FTAAP, connectivity, innovative development, digital economy and sustainable development and etc.


  • Antonio Basilio, Chair, PPECC


  • The Asia-Pacific Digital Vision as an APEC’s New Priority

    Chien-Fu Lin, Chair, CTPECC

  • Digital Economy and Stake-holders Dialogues

    Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, PECC

  • APEC Post 2020: Focus on People-to-People Linkages and Connectivity

    Hugh Stephens, Vice Chair, CANCPEC

  • How structural reform can support inclusive growth in APEC

    Rory McLeod, Policy Consultant NZPECC, Former Chair of APEC Economic Committee

  • Why FTAAP should be the core in APEC’s post 2020 vision?

    Shen Minghui, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of International Strategy, CASS




Coffee Break


Session V: APEC Post 2020 (III): Common Denominators and Recommendations
This session will discuss common denominators and recommendations on APEC post 2020 vision. Today, APEC finds itself standing at a new crossroad and shouldering a new responsibility to exert leadership to guide the regional and global economic cooperation. Not only APEC, but also all stakeholders in Asia Pacific community are working hard to shape the scope of the vision. The recommendations should aim not only for AVG, but also for APEC itself to indentify what
vision is needed from the region.


  • Andrew Elek, Visiting Research Fellow, Australian National University


  • Charles Morrison, USPECC, former Chair of PECC

  • Narongchai Akrasanee, Chair, TNCPEC

  • Tan Khee Giap, Chair, SINCPEC

  • Djisman Simandjuntak, Rector, Prasetiya Mulya University

  • Liu Chenyang, Director, APEC Study Center, Nankai University




Closing Session


  • Dong Manyuan, Vice President, China Institute of International Studies(CIIS)


  • Donald Campbell, Co-Chair, PECC; Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Senior Strategy Advisor, DLA piper LLP

  • Su Ge, Co-Chair, PECC; Chair, CNCPEC




After Conference Dinner hosted by CGE

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