Past Events


A PECC International seminar: Resilient Islands and Territories in the Asia-Pacific: The Papeete seminar

From January 20, 2020 until January 22, 2020
Hits: 3563

A PECC International seminar:

Resilient Islands and Territories in Asia-Pacific

 20-22 January 2020,
Papeete, French Polynesia




pdf Executive Summary (136 KB)

pdf Full Report (4.44 MB)


Monday, 20th January 2020
 0800 - 0820 Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Edouard Fitch, President of the Government of French Polynesia

  • Michel Paoletti, Chair of PECC French Polynesia

  • Dominique Sorain, High Commissioner of the Republic in French Polynesia

 0820 - 0840 The Islands are making a comeback

  • Pascal Lamy, Chair of FPTPEC

0840 - 0900 Overseas Trajectory 5.0

  • Dominique Sorain, High Commissioner of the Republic in French Polynesia

0900 - 0920 Coffee Break

 Theme 1: How to prepare for natural risks in the Pacific Islands and Territories?

Session Chair:  Pascal Lamy, Chair of FPTPEC

Introduction: A changing global environment
0920 - 0945 The Indo-Pacific Strategy for the development of the Asia-Pacific region

  • Marc Reverdin, Secretary-General of Paris Peace Forum

0945 - 1010 The Trump Administration's Free and Open Indo-Pacific Policy (FOIP)

  • Charles E. Morrison, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the East-West Centre

1010 - 1025 Open discussion, Q&As -> Introduction: Presentation of the China's Belt Road Initiative (BRI)

  • Vincent Dropsy, Professor of Economics, University of French Polynesia

Session 1: Climate change and the resilience of Pacific islands and coastal territories: How to ensure a better resilience of Pacific Islands and fight potential risks?

1025 - 1050 Impact of climate change in the Pacific and resilience actions - from local to national

  • Maina Sage, MP of the French National Assembly (First Constituency)

 1050 - 1115 The 11th European Regional Development Fund serving the territories climate-resilient economies: presentation of the Pacific territories regional project for sustainable ecosystem management (PROTEGE)

  • Aurelie Thomassin, Territorial Coordinator of the PROTEGE project in French Polynesia

 1115 - 1140 The companies' concerns about climate change in the Pacific Islands

  • Christophe Plee, President of CPME French Polynesia, RPPS ('Représentation patronle du Pacifique Sud") and the French Polynesia Regional Group (FPRG)

 1140 - 1205 Sustaining local resilience in the Pacific Islands: a Circular Economy approach

  • Jean Luc Le Bideau, Vice-Chair of FPTPEC

  • Bonet Fernandez, HDR Professor at IPAG Business School Paris

(On a joint research)

 1205 - 1230  Open discussion, Q&As

 1230 - 1330  Lunch


Session 2: Housing resilience to natural risks; anticipation and protection against sea level rise

Session Chair: Michel Paoletti, Chair of PECC French Polynesia

 1330 - 1355 Resilient Housing in Polynesia

  • Jean-Christophe Bouissou, Minister for Housing, Urban and Land Regional Planning, in charge of Inter-insular Transport French Polynesia

 1355 - 1420 Prevention of Coastal Disasters and Housing in Chile: Lessons to move forward with a Coastal Act

  • Juan Esteban Buttazzoni, Representative of CHILPEC and Environmental Lawyer

 1420 - 1445 APEC Resilience Work and the Chinese Taipei's Participation

  • Chen-Sheng Ho, Vice-Chair CTPECC

 1445 - 1510   Resilience observatories in overseas territories: research perspectives

  • Damien Serre, Professor, University of French Polynesia

  1510 - 1530 Coffee Break


Session Chair: Vincent Dropsy, Professor of Economics, University of French Polynesia

 1530 - 1555 Climate risk: how to anticipate and protect?

  • Pierre Masson (Colonel), Representative of the High Commission of the Republic in French Polynesia - Civil Security Department

  • Pierre Michel (Captain), Representative of the High Commission of the Republic in French Polynesia - Civil Security Department

 1555 - 1620 Disaster Management: Preparedness and Response

  • Brian Lynch, Chair NZPECC

 1620 - 1645 What assistance to help remote population in the event of a disaster: the experience of French Polynesia

  • Gaston Tong Sang, President of the Parliament of the French Polynesia (elected terms: 1989-2020) and Mayor of Bora-Bora

 1645 - 1715 Open discussion, Q&As

 1720 - 1820 Welcome reception by the President of the Government of French Polynesia

Tuesday, 21st January 2020
Theme 2: How to develop resilient tourism in the Pacific Islands and Territories?

Session 3: The management of touristic areas in the Pacific Region. Towards resilient tourism activities.

Session Chair: Brian Lynch, Chair of NZPECC

 0900 - 0925 The economic development in the Pacific islands, opportunities and challenges

  • Vincent Dropsy, Professor of Economics, University of French Polynesia

 0925 - 0950 Destinations Management Best Practice

  • Douglas Pearce, Emeritus Professor, University of Wellington, New Zealand

 0950 - 1015 How to fight the negative impact of tourism in high density tourist zones?

  • Pascal Lamy, Chair of FPTPEC

 1015 - 1035 Coffee break

 1035 - 1100 To identify and sustain local resilience in the French Pacific Islands

  • Stephane Renard, Consultant to the Ministry of Tourism and Labour of French Polynesia

 1100 - 1125 For a sustainable tourism to make islands more resilient

  • Yann Rival, Associate Professor, University of French Polynesia and Co-Director of the CETOP (Centre for Tourism Studies in Ocenia-Pacific)

 1125 - 1200 Open discussion, Q&As

 1200 - 1400 Lunch break

 Session 4: Economic Intelligence and development of tourism

 Session Chair: Jean Luc Le Bideau, Vice-Chair of FPTPEC

 1400 - 1425 Economic Intelligence for the benefit of Polynesian destination: Optimal Strategies for Products and Customers

  • Sylvain Petit, Associate Professor, University of French Polynesia

 1425 - 1450 An analysis of Internet comments on the Polynesian Tourism Industry

  • Pierre Ghewy, Co-Director of the CETOP (Centre for Tourism Studies in Ocenia-Pacific)

  • Sebastien Chabrier, Associate Professor, University  of French Polynesia

(On a joint research with Christophe Benavent, Professor, University Paris Nanterre)

 1450 - 1510 Coffee break

 1510 - 1535 To adapt the tourism industry to environmental issues through environmental certifications

  • Romain Vivier, Local EarthCheck Representative and Accredited Auditors

 1535 - 1600 Prevention and Management of the Risks in the French Overseas Territories

  • Frederic Mortier, Interdepartmental Delegate for Major Risks Overseas

 1600 - 1625 Chile's management of tourism activities in sensitive or protected areas: the process of creation of a Marine Sanctuary in the Mediterranean Central Coast

  • Juan Esteban Buttazzoni, Representative of CHILPEC and Environmental Lawyer

 1655 - 1730  Conclusion of the seminar:

  1. Reports and proposals by Session Chairs

  2. Conclusion and ways forward by Jean Luc Le Bideau, Vice-Chair of FPTPEC

  3. Farewell by Michel Paoletti, Chair of PECC French Polynesia

 1800 - 1930 Cocktail reception

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