Past Events


International Symposium on Ways of Asia-Pacific Regional Integration for the Post-2020 Era

From October 17, 2019 until October 19, 2019
Posted by PECC Secretariat
Categories: PECC Events, CNCPEC
Hits: 1130

International Symposium on

Ways of Asia-Pacific Regional Integration for the Post-2020 Era

17-19 October 2019
Shenzhen, China



  • China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC)
  • CGE Peace Development Foundation
  • APEC Study Center, Nankai University
  • Shenzhen Polytechnic



( pdf Executive Summary (113 KB) )

Thursday, 17 October 2019
0900 - 1700 Registration
1900 - 2030 Dinner
Friday, 18 October 2019
0900 - 1010 Opening Session


  • Zhang Xianyi, Vice Chair, CNCPEC


Welcome Remarks

  • Su Ge, Chair, CNCPEC; Co-Chair, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)
  • Wu You, Deputy Secretary General of Shenzhen Municipal Government


Keynote Speaker:

  • Liu Yuyin,Counsellor, MFA,PRC

 1010 - 1015 Coffee Break

1015 - 1200 Session I: APEC and the Reform of Multilateral Trade System

International trade is an important driving engine to promote global economic growth. This May, APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade(MRT) has also pointed out the importance of international trade system for productivity, innovation, job creation and development. As the cornerstone of economic globalization and free trade, the important contribution of the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization (WTO) at its core has been recognized by APEC economies. However, due to the increasingly serious unilateralism and protectionism,
multilateralism and free trade system have been impacted, and WTO is facing the survival crisis and the challenge of survival through reform. How APEC can uphold multilateralism and free trade in the context of anti-globalization is a question that every APEC economy needs to think deeply about.


  • Dato' Manickam Supperamaniam, Senior Researcher, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia



  • Narongchai Akrasanee, Chair, TNCPEC
  • Tan Khee Giap, Chair, SINCPEC
  • Chau Chung-Linh, Program Director, APEC Secretariat
  • Zhang Jianping, Director Genral, Center for Regional Ecnomic Cooperation, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, MOFCOM


1215 - 1400 Lunch

1400 - 1530 Session II: New Progress in Asia-Pacific Regional Integration

The 2017 APEC meeting in Vietnam encourages economies to make further progress and to develop work programs to enhance APEC economies’ ability to participate in high quality, comprehensive free trade agreement negotiations in the future to achieve the goals of the free trade area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP). In addition, sub-regional economic integration processes such as RCEP, CPTPP and PA have also injected new impetus to FTAAP and regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific.


  • Tan Khee Giap, Chair, SINCPEC



  • Lin Guijun, Deputy President, University of International Business and Economy
  • Dato' Manickam Supperamaniam, Senior Researcher, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia
  • Peter Petri, Professor, Brandeis University
  • Chul Chung, Vice Chair, KOPEC
  • To Minh Thu, Deputy Director General of the Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies (IFPSS), the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV)


1600 - 1700 Visit Dajiang Innovation Technology Co. Ltd

1745 - 1900 Special Dialogue with representatives of enterprises in Shenzhen

1930 - 2130 Dinner
Saturday, 19 October 2019
0900 - 1030 Session III: APEC Agenda for the Post 2020 Era: Connectivity, Innovative Development such as digital economy/trade and People-Centered development, etc.

APEC Economic Leaders approved the “APEC Connectivity Framework” in Bali in 2013, pledging to “reach a seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated Asia-Pacific through the pillars of physical connectivity, institutional connectivity and people-to-people connectivity”. The 2014 Beijing APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting endorsed the “APEC Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025”. Asia-Pacific Connectivity is not only the prerequisite for realizing the regional economic integration, but also indispensable to revitalizing the economy and promoting the long-term inclusive growth and sustainable development. The APEC agenda in the post 2020 era must be adapted to the new situation of rapid development of digital and information technology. Innovative development based on the digital economy represents the future direction of economic and social development to which the APEC economies should pay enough attention. At the same time, they should also focus on the balanced development of the economy and society and actively advocate the people centered APEC.


  • Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, PECC



  • Jeff Reeves, Vice-President, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
  • Andrew Elek, Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University
  • Song Guoyou, Deputy Director,Center for American Studies, Fudan University
  • Niu Weilu, Engineer, China Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team


1030 - 1045 Coffee Break

1045 - 1230 Session IV: APEC at the Crossroad: Past, Present and Future

Looking back at the past, looking forward to the future and meeting challenges at a new historical juncture, APEC should and can shoulder the mission of leading in regional and global economic cooperation and better promote the economic and social development of the Asia-Pacific region. Being conposed of open and interconnected economies, an Asia Pacific/APEC community is cooperatively working to deliver prosperity, opportunity, and a sustainable future to all their peoples.


  • Narongchai Akrasanee, Chair, TNCPEC



  • Brian Lynch, Chair, NZPECC
  • Peter Petri, Professor, Brandeis University
  • Chul Chung, Vice Chair, KOPEC
  • Kensuke Yanagida, Research Fellow, Japan Insittute of International Affairs (JIIA)
  • Li Wentao, Associate Professor, APEC Study Center, Nankai University
  • Yang Zerui, Acting Director, CNCPEC


1230 - 1245 Closing Session


  • Zhang Xianyi, Vice Chair, CNCPEC



  • Su Ge, Chair, CNCPEC; Co-Chair, PECC


1245 - 1400 Lunch

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