From May 31, 2011 until June 02, 2011
At Hong Kong
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2160
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council and the Asian Development Bank Institute
Inaugural Conference
in conjunction with the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
“Services Trade: New Approaches for the 21st Century”
Hosted by the Global Institute for Economics and Finance
the Economic Research Centre of the Institute for Asia Pacific Studies
on the occasion of its 20th anniversary
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong
1-3 June 2011
Cho Yiu Hall
G/F University Administration Building, Central Campus
Day 1 Wednesday 1 June |
1800 |
Registration for Welcoming Reception |
1830 |
Welcoming Remarks
1840 | Moderator:
1945 | Vote of thanks and Commencement of Reception
Day 2 Thursday 2 June |
0830-0900 |
Registration |
0900-0930 |
Official Opening Chair:
Opening Address:
0930-1115 |
Session 1: Theme 1: Behind the Border: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Services Chair:
An Explanatory Framework for Measuring Services Value-added
Determinants of Competitiveness and Factors affecting Productivity in Services
Benchmarking Competitiveness in Services
1115-1130 |
Tea Break
1130-1230 |
Session 2: Theme 1: Behind the Border; Enhancing the Competitiveness of Services (continued) Chair:
Policy and Regulatory Priorities for Developing Efficient Services Industries
China’s Services Policy Reform: Pre and Post Global Financial Crisis
1245-1415 |
Luncheon: LuMing Room, Benjamin Franklin Building Tool kits for Promoting Services Exports
1415-1600 |
Session 3: Theme 2: At the Border; Realizing the Benefits from Services Liberalization Chair:
The OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index: Progress on the Regulatory Database
Overview of Policy Planning Techniques, Data Constraints and Results to Examine the Benefits of Services Trade and Investment Liberalization
Dissecting the Gains from Services Liberalization for Developing APEC Economies
1600-1615 |
Tea Break
1615-1800 |
Session 4: Theme 2 At the Border; Realizing the Benefits from Services Liberalization (continued) Chair:
Employment and People-Movement Impacts of Services Trade Liberalization
Assessing the International Regulatory Framework applicable to Capital Movement and the Link between Capital Movement and Trade in Services
Mapping the Universe of Services Disciplines in PTAs: The Indian Contribution
1830 |
Conference Dinner, Meraviglia, No. 10 Science Park West Avenue, Phase 2 Guest Speakers:
Q&A Facilitator:
Day 3 Friday 3 June |
0900-1000 |
Session 5: Theme 3: “Improving the Governance of Services” Chair:
What is the WTO Delivering for Services
Developing More Effective Negotiating Modalities and Narrowing the Governance Gap for Services at the WTO
1000-1015 |
Tea Break
1015-1115 |
Session 6: Theme 3 “Improving the Governance of Services” (continued) Chair:
Evaluating the Contributions of RTAs to Governance of Services Trade
The Services Components of TPP and a Possible FTAAP
1115-1215 |
Session 7: Theme 3 “Improving the Governance of Services” (continued) Chair:
Challenges in Building an EU Single Market for Services
Challenges in Building the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services
1215-1330 |
Luncheon Discussion: Chung Chi College Staff Centre |
1330-1500 |
Policy Seminar (Chung Chi College Staff Centre): Moderator:
Keynote Address:
1500-1515 |
Wrap Up and Closing Ceremony |
1900 | Global Services Coalition working Dinner (members only) |