On June 11, 2016
At Singapore
Categories: PECC Events, APEC Events
Hits: 2646
0830 - 0900 |
Registration |
0900 - 0930 |
Opening Remarks
0930 - 1030 |
Technology and Disruption: Overview of themes and policy challenges Facilitator:
1030 - 1100 |
Coffee/ Tea Break |
1100 - 1230 |
New Services: Impact of Digital Technologies Facilitator:
1230 - 1330 |
Lunch |
1330 - 1500 |
New Goods: Servification and Global Production Value Chains [3-D printing, Self-Service Technologies, RFID, etc] Facilitator:
1500 - 1530 |
Coffee / Tea Break |
1530 - 1630 |
Priorities for International Cooperation and 21st Century Trade Agreements Facilitator:
1630 - 1645 |
Closing Remarks