From November 20, 2017 until November 21, 2017
At French Polynesia, Pape'ete
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 4948
Monday, 20th November 2017
0830 - 0900 |
0900 - 0920 |
Welcome and Opening Remarks
0920 - 1020 |
Keynote Address: Sustainable tourism under the UNWTO Convention of Ethics for Tourism
1020 - 1040 |
Group Photo / Coffee Break
1040 - 1230 |
Session 1: Tourism and Economic Development, International Cooperation
Session Chair:
1040 - 1100 |
Regional tourism outlook for the Asia-Pacific economies
1100 - 1140 |
2017 - Year of Tourism: Future of tourism and inclusive development
1140 - 1200 |
Sustainable tourism development in the Pacific
1200 - 1230 |
Open Discussion
1230 - 1400 |
1400 - 1600 |
Session 2: Tourism and Environmental Protection
Session Chair:
1400 - 1420 | Development of tourism and preservation of cultural sites - A case study: Taputapuatea
1420 - 1440 |
Cruises in fragile areas and environmental protection
1440 - 1500 |
Coffee Break
1500 - 1520 |
Ocean education, research and conservation: defining a new eco-tourism concept
1520 - 1540 |
Balancing growth in tourism and environmental protection
1540 - 1610 |
Open Discussion
1800 - 1900 |
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, 21st November 2017
0900 - 1040 |
Session 3: Measuring Sustainability
Session Chair:
0900 - 0920 |
Measuring sustainable tourism
0920 - 0940 |
Sustainable tourism and artificial intelligence
0940 - 1000 |
Regional cooperaton for sustainable tourism: APEC TWG and PECC
1000 - 1020 |
Visitor industry sustainability in four tourist-dependent economies in the U.S.
1020 - 1040 |
Open Discussion
1040 - 1100 |
Coffee Break
1100 - 1300 |
Session 4: Island Economies
Session Chair:
1100 - 1120 |
Supply chain management of tourism - new modes of comunication and distribution
1120 - 1140 |
Development of sustainable tourism in Chinese Taipei
1140 - 1200 |
A case study: Singapre, a city-state without hinterland
1200 - 1230 |
Open Discussion
1230 - 1400 |
1400 - 1530 |
Session 5: Next-Generation Tourism and Circular Economy
Session Chair:
1400 - 1420 |
Luxury hospitality, environment-friendly hotels: A case study - Le Brando, Tetiaroa, French Polynesia
1420 - 1440 |
Tourism and circular economy
1430 - 1530 |
Roundtable - The policy dimensions
1530 - 1600 |
Concluding Remarks