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PECC Singapore Conference: APEC’s Post 2020 Agenda: Rising Protectionism, Economic Rebalancing and Diversified Growth

On February 13, 2017
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 5642


2017 PECC Singapore Conference on
“APEC’s Post 2020 Agenda: Rising Protectionism, Economic Rebalancing and Diversified Growth”

Co-organized by Vietnam National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (VNCPEC) &
Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC)

13 February 2017
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore

Monday, 13 February 2017

 0830 – 0900

 Registration of participants

 0900 – 0930

 Welcome Remarks:

  • Dr Tan Khee Giap ( pdf download (84 KB) )
    Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC)

  • Dr Vo Tri Thanh
    Vietnam National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (VNCPEC)

 0930 – 0945

 Opening Speech by Guest of Honour

0945 – 1005

Keynote Speech

Keynote Speaker:

  • H.E. Bui Thanh Son
    Standing Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vietnam


  • Mr Ian Buchanan
    Australian Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (AUSPECC)

1005 – 1015

Q&A Session

1015 – 1030

Coffee Break

1030 – 1135

Session 1: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in a Changing Global Context: Globalization and its Discontents, Protectionism and Coherent Approach Towards External Economic Relations

APEC 2017 will take place in a rapidly changing regional and global context. Several mega-trends are changing not only the shape of the global economy but also the way in which economic interactions take place. Protectionism is on the rise as economies facing challenges turned inward looking, energy prices have slumped increasing uncertainty in international markets. Given imbalance regional development, income inequality is widening both between and within developing and developed economies. While middle class consumption and services activities in the region’s emerging economies are picking up but not fast enough to cope with the on-going restructuring of the manufacturing cluster and production value chain. Rapid technological advances and proliferation of E-commerce present both opportunities and risks for future economic growth.

1030 – 1035


  • Dr Chul Chung
    Vice Chairman
    Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC)

1035 – 1120


  • Mr Hugh Stephens ( pdf download (1.58 MB) )
    Vice Chairman
    Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CANCPEC)
    Distinguished Fellow
    Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

  • Dr Josef T. Yap ( pdf download (484 KB) )
    Professorial Lecturer
    UP School of Economics, Philippines

  • Dr Charles E. Morrison ( pdf download (969 KB) )
    Distinguished Senior Fellow
    East-West Center

1120 – 1135

Q&A Session

1135 – 1300


1200 – 1220

Conference Luncheon Talk: “Vietnam’s Prospect as a Manufacturing Hub and Manpower Development”

Distinguished Luncheon Speaker:


  • Dr Chien-Fu Lin
    Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC)

1220 – 1230

Q&A Session

1300 – 1405

Session 2: Micro Competitiveness, Inclusive and Quality Growth: Potential Synergy and Competitiveness Profile of Regional Small and Medium Enterprises, E-Commerce and Digital Financial Inclusion

In 2010 APEC leaders adopted a growth strategy to provide a comprehensive long-term framework for promoting high-quality growth in the region. The Growth Strategy focused on the five desired attributes of balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, and secure growth. How much progress has been made, what limitations and constraints faced by such strategy within the five desired attributes? Roadmap and Actionable Plans for SMEs in terms of potential synergies with Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Digital Financial Inclusion and E-Commerce are paramount in delivering inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure growth.

1300 – 1305


  • Ambassador Antonio I. Basilio
    The Philippines National Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PPECC)

1305 – 1320

Lead Panelist:

  • Dr Filippo di Mauro ( pdf download (691 KB) )
    Senior Adviser, Directorate General Research
    Chairman, Competitiveness Network (CompNet)
    European Central Bank

1320 – 1350


  • Dr Chen-Sheng Ho ( pdf download (142 KB) )
    Director, International Affairs Department
    Taiwan Institute of Economic Research

  • Dr Tan Khee Giap ( pdf download (870 KB) )
    Co-Director, Asia Competitiveness Institute, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
    National University of Singapore
    Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC)

  • Dr Can Van Luc ( pdf download (573 KB) )
    Senior Advisor to the Chairman
    Senior Executive Vice President & Director
    Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam JSC Training School

1350 – 1405

Q&A Session

1405 – 1510

Session 3: Infrastructure Connectivity and Equitable Economic Development: Regional versus Sub-regional and Sub-National Economic Integration and Responsive Regulatory Regimes

In 2014, APEC leaders endorsed a detailed Blueprint for Connectivity. In terms of infrastructure connectivity by air, sea, road, rail, utilities and ICT. Comprehensive regional efforts are required to establish areas of urgent needs, which priority gaps to be addressed and what constraints are currently faced by sub-regions and sub-national economies, including remote area connectivity. Equally important are responsiveness of the regulatory regimes in facilitating policy initiatives including harmonious industrial relation, global value chains, harmonization of technical codes and standards.

1405 – 1410


  • Dr Vo Tri Thanh
    Vietnam National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (VNCPEC)

1410 – 1425

Lead Panelist:

  • Mr Jordan Z Schwartz
    Director, Singapore Infrastructure & Urban Development Hub
    The World Bank Group

1425 – 1455


  • Mr Edward Clayton ( pdf download (350 KB) )
    Senior Executive Director
    PwC Strategy& (M) Sdn Bhd

  • Ms Felia Salim ( pdf download (2.53 MB) )
    Kemitraan, Indonesia

  • Mr Tan Puay Hin
    Senior Advisor (Group Port Design & Connectivity)
    PSA International Pte Ltd, Singapore

1455 – 1510

Q&A Session

1510 – 1525

Coffee Break

1525 – 1630

Session 4: Enhancing People-to-People Connectivity by Promoting Tourism and Education Services, Improving Ease-of-Doing Business Index and Agenda for Ensuring Food Security

In 2013 APEC leaders stated that people-to-people connectivity are critical prerequisite in attending APEC community vision by connecting the region's developed and emerging growth hubs around and across the Pacific Ocean within APEC's archipelago and continental regions. As economic integration intensifies and facing the need of bridging the digital divide in the Asia Pacific region, further improvement of cross-border education and tourism facilitation cooperation should be pursued, and greater attention must be paid to indigenous socio-cultural sensitivity if people-to-people connectivity were to be deepened before enticing more inward looking against international trade and services. Climate change is exacerbating the risks of hunger and greater inequality in our region, APEC works on promoting food security and sustainable agriculture should be enhanced to respond to this new reality.

1525 – 1530


  • Dr Djisman Simandjuntak
    Indonesia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (INCPEC)

1530 – 1545

Lead Panelist:

1545 – 1615

Panel Discussion:

  • Mr Kwek Hian Chuan Henry
    Member of Parliament & Member
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Trade and Finance, Singapore

  • Dr Nguyen Do Anh Tuan
    Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam

  • Mr Melvin Soh
    Executive Director
    Continental Steel Pte Ltd
    Dr Jimmy Koh ( pdf download (209 KB) )
    Managing Director
    Ankara Koh Pte Ltd

1615 – 1630

Q&A Session

1630 – 1735

Session 5: Re-evaluating and Reshaping the Common Resolve to Bogor Goals

The Bogor Goals, set by APEC members in 1994, is the result of consensus that takes into account members' different levels of socio-economic development, set 2010 for developed members and 2020 for developing members to achieve free trade and investment. As of today, progress have been achieved in all areas but some members are struggling to cope, and new challenges have emerged. The world economic landscape have been vastly different since, with global protectionism on the rise, recovery of major engines of growth remained elusive, and export-oriented economies are finding it painful in coping with economic restructuring. Going forward, Bogor Goals must be re-evaluated and reshaped to reflect changing conditions.

1630 – 1635


  • Mr Denis McNamara
    New Zealand Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (NZPECC)

1635 – 1650

Lead Panelist:

  • Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa ( pdf download (1.71 MB) )
    Chairman & Chief Executive
    Institute of Strategic & International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia
    Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (MANCPEC)

1650 – 1720


  • Dr Erlinda M. Medalla
    Senior Research Fellow
    Philippine Institute for Development Studies

  • Dr Sungil Kwak
    Korea National Center for APEC Studies, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

  • Mr Jusuf Wanandi
    President Director
    The Jakarta Daily
    Senior Fellow & Co-Founder
    Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia
    Dr Djisman Simandjuntak
    Indonesia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (INCPEC)

1720 – 1735

Q&A Session

1735 – 1745

Conference Closing Remarks:

  • Ambassador Donald Campbell
    Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)

1745 – 2000

Conference Dinner

1745 – 1830

Cocktail Reception

1830 – 1850

Conference Dinner Talk: “Globalization, Inclusivity & Implications to ASEAN”

Distinguished Dinner Speaker:

  • Professor Kishore Mahbubani
    Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
    National University of Singapore


  • Dr Narongchai Akrasanee
    Thailand National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (TNCPEC)

1850 – 1900

Q&A Session


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