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PECC XXV: 25th PECC General Meeting

From May 07, 2018 until May 08, 2018
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 5869


CSIS Global Dialogue
 25th General PECC General Meeting

Global Disorder: The Need for New Regional Architecture and Business Model?

Jakarta, May 7-8, 2018


 Monday, 7 May 2018




Opening Remarks

  • Philips Vermonte; Executive Director, CSIS


Special Remarks on Belt and Road Initiative


Plenary Session 1: The Need for a New Global Order?

The global economic system is under challenge. Events across the world indicate a growing dissatisfaction with the global system. This in turn poses challenges to the regional system which has as its main reference point the global multilateral system and order. At the same time, technology is transforming the way we produce, work, trade, do business and live, and there needs to be a common set of responses.  The world is also challenged to meet its sustainable development goals that includes addressing environmental, social and inclusiveness challenges.

The keynote speaker will address the current situation and challenges that the global economy currently faces, in particular from (i) the changes of global architecture and political-economy arrangement, (ii) technological disruption, (iii) environmental condition. Each topic will be explored further by the panelists and in the discussion.


  • Mari Pangestu; Co-Chair INCPEC

Keynote Speaker:


  • Michael G. Plummer; Director of SAIS Europe, The Johns Hopkins University, Bologna
    pdf download (130 KB)

  • Eduardo Pedrosa; Secretary General, PECC

  • Fukunari Kimura; Chief Economist, ERIA

  • Jusuf Wanandi; Board Member of CSIS and Standing Committee member PECC


Networking Break


Plenary Session 2: New Business Models

Globalization and economic integration have rapidly transformed the landscape driven by technological change, lower transport costs and open economies. In addition the concerns towards sustainability has been getting greater attention than before. This session explores business responses toward the changing landscape of technology and the demand over more sustainability conducts.

Possible questions include: How are new technologies, e.g. block chain or automation, changing the current business models? How sustainability issues affect the business paradigm and practices – can we have better business and better world? How those affect the governance of value chain, including the way to monitor parts of value chain? What forms of governance, both in business and public sector, are needed to deal with this new reality?


  • Narongchai Akrasanee; Chair, Khon Kaen University Council; Chair, TNCPEC


  • Handry Satriago; CEO, GE Indonesia (GE Global Growth)

  • Kartika Wirjoatmodjo; President Director, Bank Mandiri and Member of APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Indonesia
    pdf download (1.41 MB)

  • Franky Oesman Widjaja; CEO, Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food
    pdf download (1.01 MB)

  • Soon Ghee Chua; Managing Partner of Southeast Asia, AT Keaney



Keynote Speaker:



Lunch Speech: Challenges Facing the Global Economy: Technological Distruptions and Sustainable Development - Policymaker Perspective

  • H.E. Sri Mulyani Indrawati; Minister of Finance; Republic of Indonesia


Concurrent Session I: Sustainable Development Challenges

Environmental Issues and Climate Change
In December 2015 agreement was reached after years of negotiation on a global accord to limit further carbon emissions. However, in June 2017, President Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the agreement. Since then the One Planet Summit saw considerable momentum on the issue with funding commitments from a diverse range of actors as well as institutions schemes to address carbon emissions. What role can this region play in addressing this issue?


  • Ross Garnaut; Professorial Fellow of Economics, University of Melbourne


  • Simon Tay; Chairman, Singapore Institute for International Affairs (SIIA)

  • Mahendra Siregar; Indonesia Representative. APEC Vision Group; Executive Director, Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries

  • Mari Pangestu; Co-Chair INCPEC

  • Sonny Mumbunan; Lead Economist, World Resources Institute (WRI), Indonesia

Concurrent Session II: Disruptive Technology

Policy Coordination in the Digital Economic Era
More than half of the world is now on the internet and more and more devices are being connected to the world wide web from mobile phones to light switches and even crops. All governments are responding to the digital economy in different ways – do we need to cooperate and on what, how and where? The nature of digital transactions that may not obey national borders requires policies that also work cross border.


  • Peter Lovelock; Director, Technology Research Project Corporate (TRPC)


  • Rudy Salahuddin; Deputy of Coordination of Creative Economy, Entrepreneurship and SME Competitiveness, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Republic of Indonesia
    pdf download (1.24 MB)

  • Matthew K.O. Lee; Chair, HKCPEC; Professor of Information Systems & E-Commerce, City University, Hong Kong

  • Hosuk Lee-Makiyama; Director, European Centre for International Political Economy

  • Donny Prasetya; Head of Strategy, Grab

  • Alvin Ng; General Manager, ASEAN/ Southeast Asia, GE Digital



Coffee Break


Concurrent Session III: Sustainable Development Challenges

Towards More Inclusive Economic Development
In 2010 APEC leaders adopted a strategy for inclusive, balanced, sustainable, innovative and secure growth. However, dissatisfaction with current economic growth models is seemingly rising. Economic integration is seen to bring benefits only to the few, since people have not seen their incomes rise for years when the gap between rich and poor has widened. While rising inequality and economic integration might be coincidental instead of causation, this has lowered popular and political support for greater economic integration. What should economies in the region do to create a more equitable economic environment? What can regional cooperation offer to support inclusive growth? What are the roles of private sectors and community in this initiative?


  • Mari Pangestu; Co-Chair INCPEC


  • Yasuhiro Kamimura; Nagoya University
    pdf download (1.40 MB)

  • Jayant Menon; Lead Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ADB

  • Chul Chung; Senior Vice President, Korea Insitute for International Economic Policy (KIEP); Vice Chair, KOPEC

  • Donald Hanna; Chief Economist, CIMB Group

  • Vivi Alatas; Lead Economist, World Bank Poverty Program in Indonesia
    pdf download (1.10 MB)

Concurrent Session IV: Disruptive Technology

The Future of Work
Automation, industry 4.0, digital platforms, and other innovations are changing the fundamental nature of work and the jobs of the future. The number of employment opportunities might be declining especially for casual and unskilled workers. Return on capital might be increasing compared to the portion of value added received by workers that would put greater pressure to income equality. Understanding these shifts can help policy makers, business leaders, and workers move forward. Some solutions might be appropriately addressed at global or regional level, rather at national level.


  • Yose Rizal Damuri; Co-Chair, INCPEC


  • Kostas Mavromaras; Head, Future of Employment and Skills Research Centre, University of Adelaide

  • Shirley Santoso; A.T. Kearney, Indonesia

  • Phu Huynh; ILO SE Asia and the Pacific

  • Bill Johnston; CEO, Mercer Indonesia
    pdf download (2.13 MB)

  • Wang Yan; Coordinator, APEC Education Network Coordinator


Reception and Dinner

Tuesday, 8 May 2018 


Plenary Session 3: The Mega-Regional Trade and Development Initiatives

In the absence of progress on the Doha Round, retreat of US leadership in an open rules-based trading system and its withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), we see continuation of regional and bilateral trade deals. The ASEAN led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) which includes China and India as part of its 16 members is still in negotiations, while the 11 remaining TPP members, which does not include China or India, have signed off on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).  These mega regionals attempt to consolidate various FTAs into mega-regional agreements.  However, questions remain about membership, consistency and levels of ambition.  At the same time, the need for infrastructure development in Asia Pacific region is getting indispensable, prompting to several initiatives such as Master Plan for ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC), Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

How will these mega regional agreements develop? Can they be building blocks that ensures continued openness in the region, whatever the US does? Will the need for infrastructure development in the region can be covered by current initiatives of financing cooperation?


  • Ian Buchanan; Chair, AUSPECC

Keynote Speaker:

  • George Lam; Chairman of Hong Kong Cyberport Management and member of HK SAR Committee on Innovation, Technology and RE-Industrialization


  • Christopher Findlay; Executive Dean, Faculty of the Professions, University of Adelaide; Vice-Chair, AUSPECC

  • Robert Scollay; NZPECC

  • Steven Wong; Deputy Chief Executive, ISIS Malaysia; Secretary-General, MANCPEC

  • Alan Bollard; Executive Director, APEC




Keynote Speech: "The Global Disorder: An Indonesia Perspective"

  • H.E. Retno Marsudi; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia


Plenary Session 4: Regional Institutions and Architecture

The concept of the Asia-Pacific has underpinned regional cooperation for the past 3 decades with its origins tracing back to the 1960s, and have led to regional economic and security platforms for dialog and cooperation. A regional architecture centered on ASEAN has been built around that concept. How are changing economic and geo-political and economic considerations changing the nature of regional cooperation? In addition, APEC will be entering the post Bogor Goal era in 2020.  It is necessary for economies in the region to redefine the next stage of integration in the region and how it facilitate the creation of conducive environment to cooperate on responding to the challenges of the now and future as discussed in the previous sessions.


  • Antonio Basilio; President, Philippine Foundation for Global Concerns, Inc; Chair, PPECC

Keynote Speaker:

  • Lim Jock Hoi; Secretary General, ASEAN


  • Su Ge; President, China Institute for International Studies; Chair; CNCPEC

  • Charles Morrison; Distinguished Senior Fellow, East-West Center

  • Nguyen Nguyet Nga; Senior Adviser to Foreign Ministry, Vietnam; Vice-Chair, VNCPEC

  • Lee Jae-Young; President, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP); Chair, KOPEC


Closing Remarks

  • Donald Campbell; Co-Chair, PECC

  • Mari Pangestu; Co-Chair, INCPEC

  • Eduardo Pedrosa; Secretary General, PECC



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