Past Events


CTPECC: The 28th Pacific Economic Community Seminar

From November 12, 2013 until November 13, 2013
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2646

The 28th Pacific Economic Community Seminar

“TPP and RCEP: Emerging Dual-Track Pathways towards FTAAP”

Organizers: Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC)

Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER)

November 13-14, 2013

Regent Taipei



The regional economic integration (REI) has long been recognized as one of the most important issues for Asia-Pacific economies, as REI accelerates reducing trade barriers and creating a favorable business environment. In the region of Asia-Pacific, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) have been identified as two potential REI pathways to achieve the ultimate goal of the Free Trade Area of Asia-Pacific (FTAAP). At the emergence of the two pathways some key questions has been increasingly addressed. Are these two tracks in competition or complementation? How can TPP and RCEP converge to progress further? Are there potential impacts caused by the TPP and RCEP on members or non-members? How can members, possible members and non-members address the impacts?

To seek answers for those questions, the Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC) and Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) would like to cordially invite opinion leaders in our region to share their distinguished views and exchange ideas with representatives from business, government and academic circles in Chinese Taipei.

Wednesday, November 13




Opening Session

Welcome Remarks

Session Chair:

  • David Hong, Chair, CTPECC

Group Photo

  • Distinguished guests, speakers and discussants

0935 - 1000

Coffee Break


Session 1: RCEP: Consolidating from Asia Track

Session Chair:

  • Tan Khee Giap, Chair, SINCPEC



  • Seng Cheng Hu, Academician, Academic Sinica
  • Ian Buchanan, Chair, AUSPECC
  • Vipada M. Tuchinda, Assistant Director, Fiscal Policy Research Institute (FPRI)





Session 2: TPP vs RCEP: Building Blocks towards Greater Regional Economic Integration?

Session Chair:   

  • David Hong, Chair, CTPECC



  • Manfred Wilhelmy, Chair, CHILPEC
  • Chul Chung, Executive Director, KOPEC
  • Yose Rizal Damuri, Head of Department of Economics, CSIS, Indonesia


1550 - 1650

Concluding Session

Session Chair:

  • Seng Cheng Hu, Academician, Academic Sinica


  • Tan Khee Giap, Chair, SINCPEC
  • Manfred Wilhelmy, Chair, CHILPEC
  • Chul Chung, Executive Director, KOPEC
  • Ian Buchanan, Chair, AUSPECC


1830 - 2000

Welcome Dinner

Thursday, November 14

0900  - 1200

Roundtable Session: Challenges and Opportunities for REI Members and Non-members

Session Chairs:

  • David Hong, Chair, CTPECC
  • Ian Buchanan, Chair, AUSPECC


All speakers, discussants and Chinese Taipei participants

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Global value chains: From fruitful discussions to meaningful actions
Juan Navarro, Associate Faculty, Royal Roads University

Climate change in SOTR
Christopher Findlay, Tilak Doshi and Eduardo Pedrosa

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Hugh Stephens
Vice Chair, CANCPEC; Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Executive Fellow, School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary

 Multilateral Cooperation is a Safeguard against Pandemics
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Executive Director, APEC Secretariat

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Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Macroeconomics and Finance, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

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Charles E. Morrison
Adjunct Fellow and Former President of the East-West Center; Former Co-Chair, PECC

ASEAN-China cooperation in time of COVID-19 pandemic
Jusuf Wanandi
Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, CSIS Foundation; Former Co-Chair of PECC