Past Events


PECC International Project 2017-2018: Sustainable Development and Circular Economy - Seminar 2: Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

From November 20, 2017 until November 21, 2017
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 4948


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Sustainable Development and Circular Economy


A PECC International Project 2017 - 2018


Seminar 2: Sustainable and Responsible Tourism


Pape'ete, French Polynesia

November 20-21, 2017





Monday, 20th November 2017


 0830 - 0900



 0900 - 0920

 Welcome and Opening Remarks

    • The Hon. Edouard Fritch, President of French Polynesia
      ( pdf download (64 KB) )

    • Eric Pommier, Chair of FPTPEC French Polynesia


 0920 - 1020

 Keynote Address: Sustainable tourism under the UNWTO Convention of Ethics for Tourism

    • Pascal Lamy, Chair, FPTPEC; Chairman, World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE)


 1020 - 1040

 Group Photo / Coffee Break


1040 - 1230

 Session 1: Tourism and Economic Development, International Cooperation

  • How is the concept of circular economy applied to tourism?

  • Regional tourism outlook and forecasts for Asia-Pacific economies

  • Tourism as a source of inclusive development

  • Supply chain management in tourism industry: transport, accommodation, hospitality, tour guide, recreational activities, site conservation, etc.


 Session Chair:


 1040 - 1100

 Regional tourism outlook for the Asia-Pacific economies


 1100 - 1140

 2017 - Year of Tourism: Future of tourism and inclusive development


 1140 - 1200

 Sustainable tourism development in the Pacific


 1200 - 1230

 Open Discussion


 1230 - 1400



 1400 - 1600

 Session 2: Tourism and Environmental Protection

  • What are the existing land use rights and what could be done for a more appropriate use of land, namely in coastal areas and island territories?  Are there competing land use rights impacting sustainable and responsible tourism?

  • The development of eco-construction and eco-buildings for tourism. How would “smart buildings” be promoted (lower energy consumption, integrated sewage, reuse of water, SWAC) to the lower the environmental impact on the most sensitive areas?

  • Given global climate change models and potential impact on island nations and sea-level tourism destinations, what can be done to develop resiliency strategies for sustainable tourism?  What are risks to tourism-centric economies if this natural features and access points are threatened by sea level rise?

  • How should we manage clean transportation in coastal and/or recreational sites?


 Session Chair:

    • Michel Paoletti, Secretary General, FPTPEC French Polynesia; Chairman, Council for Strategic Reforms


 1400 - 1420 Development of tourism and preservation of cultural sites - A case study: Taputapuatea

 1420 - 1440

 Cruises in fragile areas and environmental protection

    • Karen Thompson-Smith, Deputy Chair of New Zealand Cruise Association; Cruise Engagement Manager with Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED)
      ( pdf download (721 KB) )


 1440 - 1500

Coffee Break


 1500 - 1520

Ocean education, research and conservation: defining a new eco-tourism concept

 1520 - 1540

 Balancing growth in tourism and environmental protection 

 1540 - 1610

 Open Discussion


 1800 - 1900

 Welcome Reception


Tuesday, 21st November 2017


 0900 - 1040

Session 3: Measuring Sustainability

  • What are some of the ways in wich sustainability is measured in tourism and hospitality sectors?

  • Standard and certificiations

  • Monitoring and evaluation over time

  • Indexing methods


Session Chair:

    • Joel Allain, Chairman, Air Tahiti


 0900 - 0920

 Measuring sustainable tourism


 0920 - 0940

Sustainable tourism and artificial intelligence

    • Mark Reverdin, Advisor to Pascal Lamy


 0940 - 1000

Regional cooperaton for sustainable tourism: APEC TWG and PECC

    • Jessica Yom, Director of Policy Program & Communications, PECC/ Alcinda Trawen, Deputy Lead Shepherd, APEC Tourism Working Group (TWG); Director of Policy & Planning, Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority
      ( pdf download (1.40 MB) )


 1000 - 1020

 Visitor industry sustainability in four tourist-dependent economies in the U.S.


 1020 - 1040

 Open Discussion 


 1040 - 1100

 Coffee Break


 1100 - 1300

Session 4: Island Economies

  • How could island economies limit or mitigate the negative effects of tourism on environmental and cultural features?

  • How do tourism and hospitality industries benefit these island economies e.g., attract foreign direct investments, necessitate infrastructure development?

  • How do we ensure that tourism activities are compatible with the conservation of tangible and intangible cultural and ecological heritage sites?


Session Chair:

    • Chien-Fu Lin, Chair, CTPECC


 1100 - 1120

 Supply chain management of tourism - new modes of comunication and distribution


 1120 - 1140

 Development of sustainable tourism in Chinese Taipei

    • Chen-Sheng Ho, Director of International Affairs Dept., Taiwan Instiute of Economic Research (TIER)
      ( pdf download (741 KB) )


 1140 - 1200

 A case study: Singapre, a city-state without hinterland

    • Rick Buck Song Koh, Member, Marketing Advisory Panel, Singapore Tourism Board; Editor, Centre for Livable Cities, Ministry of National Development, Singapore
      ( pdf download (3.35 MB) )


 1200 - 1230

 Open Discussion


 1230 - 1400



 1400 - 1530

 Session 5: Next-Generation Tourism and Circular Economy

  • Tourism and the sharing economy

  • From mass to niche tourism

  • Youth and tourism

  • Luxury tourisms and luxury hospitality

  • Alternative forms of tourism: ecotourism, education tourism, medical tourism


 Session Chair:

    • Eric Pommier, Chair of FPTPEC French Polynesia


 1400 - 1420

Luxury hospitality, environment-friendly hotels: A case study - Le Brando, Tetiaroa, French Polynesia

    • Laurent Darcy, Deputy Manager, Beachcomber Pacific

 1420 - 1440

 Tourism and circular economy

    • Jean Luc Le Bideau, Vice-chair, FPTPEC


 1430 - 1530

 Roundtable - The policy dimensions


 1530 - 1600

 Concluding Remarks

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Adjunct Fellow and Former President of the East-West Center; Former Co-Chair, PECC

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Vice Chair, Board of Trustees, CSIS Foundation; Former Co-Chair of PECC